Informatika & Komputer | PHP | MySQL | JavaScript | Perl | HTML5 | HTML4 | Apache Ant Apache HTTP Server | Beat Script Linux | Crimson Hat Linux | Ilmu Pengetahuan Dunia | | | | | | | Red Lid Enterprise Linux Tutorial | | Sebelumnya (13 : Part I. Basic System Conf ...) | (thirteen : Chapter 6. Yum - Deployme ...) Berikutnya | | | Deployment Guide Part II. Packet Management All software on a Cherry-red Hat Enterprise Linux system is divided into RPM packages, which can be installed, upgraded, or removed. This part focuses on product subscriptions and entitlements, and describes how to manage packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux using both Yum and the PackageKit suite of graphical package direction tools. Daftar Isi - 5. Registering a System and Managing Subscriptions
- 5.1. Using Red Hat Subscription Manager Tools
- five.1.1. Launching the Red Lid Subscription Manager GUI
- 5.1.ii. Running the subscription-manager Command-Line Tool
- 5.ii. Registering and Unregistering a Organisation
- v.two.1. Registering from the GUI
- 5.2.2. Registering from the Control Line
- five.2.3. Unregistering
- 5.3. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions
- five.three.i. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions through the GUI
- 5.three.ii. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions through the Control Line
- 5.4. Redeeming Vendor Subscriptions
- 5.4.1. Redeeming Subscriptions through the GUI
- 5.4.2. Redeeming Subscriptions through the Control Line
- 5.five. Attaching Subscriptions from a Subscription Asset Manager Activation Primal
- 5.6. Setting Preferences for Systems
- 5.6.i. Setting Preferences in the UI
- 5.6.ii. Setting Service Levels Through the Control Line
- 5.half-dozen.3. Setting a Preferred Operating Organization Release Version in the Command Line
- five.7. Managing Subscription Expiration and Notifications
- 6. Yum
- half dozen.1. Checking For and Updating Packages
- six.i.i. Checking For Updates
- 6.1.ii. Updating Packages
- Preserving Configuration File Changes
- 6.2. Packages and Package Groups
- 6.ii.i. Searching Packages
- 6.2.2. Listing Packages
- 6.2.iii. Displaying Package Information
- 6.2.iv. Installing Packages
- vi.ii.v. Removing Packages
- six.ii.half dozen. Working with Transaction History
- 6.iii. Configuring Yum and Yum Repositories
- 6.3.1. Setting [main] Options
- 6.3.2. Setting [repository] Options
- 6.three.3. Using Yum Variables
- six.3.4. Viewing the Current Configuration
- 6.3.5. Adding, Enabling, and Disabling a Yum Repository
- 6.three.half dozen. Creating a Yum Repository
- 6.4. Yum Plug-ins
- 6.four.i. Enabling, Configuring, and Disabling Yum Plug-ins
- 6.iv.2. Installing Additional Yum Plug-ins
- half dozen.four.3. Plug-in Descriptions
- 6.five. Additional Resources
- seven. PackageKit
- 7.ane. Updating Packages with Software Update
- vii.2. Using Add/Remove Software
- 7.2.1. Refreshing Software Sources (Yum Repositories)
- 7.two.2. Finding Packages with Filters
- 7.two.three. Installing and Removing Packages (and Dependencies)
- seven.2.4. Installing and Removing Bundle Groups
- 7.2.5. Viewing the Transaction Log
- vii.3. PackageKit Architecture
- seven.four. Additional Resource
Affiliate 5. Registering a Organization and Managing Subscriptions - Using Ruby-red Lid Subscription Manager Tools
- Launching the Red Hat Subscription Director GUI
- v.1.two. Running the subscription-manager Command-Line Tool
- 5.2. Registering and Unregistering a Organization
- 5.2.1. Registering from the GUI
- five.2.2. Registering from the Command Line
- five.2.3. Unregistering
- 5.3. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions
- 5.3.1. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions through the GUI
- v.3.ii. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions through the Command Line
- five.4. Redeeming Vendor Subscriptions
- Redeeming Subscriptions through the GUI
- 5.4.two. Redeeming Subscriptions through the Command Line
- 5.5. Attaching Subscriptions from a Subscription Asset Manager Activation Key
- five.6. Setting Preferences for Systems
- 5.half dozen.ane. Setting Preferences in the UI
- five.6.2. Setting Service Levels Through the Command Line
- five.6.3. Setting a Preferred Operating System Release Version in the Command Line
- 5.vii. Managing Subscription Expiration and Notifications
Effective nugget management requires a mechanism to handle the software inventory - both the type of products and the number of systems that the software is installed on. The subscription service provides that mechanism and gives transparency into both global allocations of subscriptions for an entire organization and the specific subscriptions assigned to a single system. Cerise Hat Subscription Managing director works with yum to unite content commitment with subscription management. The Subscription Director handles but the subscription-organization associations. yum or other packet management tools handle the bodily content delivery. Chapter six, Yum describes how to utilise yum . 5.1. Using Red Hat Subscription Manager Tools Both registration and subscriptions are managed on the local organization through GUI and CLI tools chosen Crimson Hat Subscription Manager . The Red Hat Subscription Manager tools are always run every bit root because of the nature of the changes to the system. However, Carmine Hat Subscription Manager connects to the subscription service as a user account for the subscription service. v.i.ane. Launching the Ruby-red Chapeau Subscription Manager GUI Red Lid Subscription Managing director is listed as one of the administrative tools in the carte in the top management bar. Alternatively, the Red Hat Subscription Manager GUI tin can be opened from the command line with a single command: [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager-gui 5.1.2. Running the subscription-manager Command-Line Tool Any of the operations that tin can be performed through the Crimson Hat Subscription Manager UI tin also exist performed past running the subscription-managing director tool. This tool has the following format: [root@server1 ~]# subscription-director control [options] Each control has its own set of options that are used with it. The subscription-manager help and manpage have more information. Table 5.1. Mutual subscription-director Commands Command | Description | register | Registers or identifies a new organization to the subscription service. | unregister | Unregisters a motorcar, which strips its subscriptions and removes the machine from the subscription service. | subscribe | Attaches a specific subscription to the auto. | redeem | Motorcar-attaches a car to a pre-specified subscription that was purchased from a vendor, based on its hardware and BIOS data. | unsubscribe | Removes a specific subscription or all subscriptions from the machine. | list | Lists all of the subscriptions that are compatible with a machine, either subscriptions that are really attached to the machine or unused subscriptions that are available to the machine. | 5.2. Registering and Unregistering a Arrangement Systems can exist registered with a subscription service during the firstboot process or as office of the kickstart setup (both described in the Installation Guide). Systems tin can also exist registered after they have been configured or removed from the subscription service inventory (unregistered) if they will no longer be managed inside that subscription service. Registering from the GUI -
Launch Subscription Manager. For case: [root@server ~]# subscription-manager-gui -
If the arrangement is not already registered, and so there volition exist a Register button at the pinnacle of the window in the summit right corner of the My Installed Products tab. -
To place which subscription server to use for registration, enter the hostname of the service. The default service is Customer Portal Subscription Management, with the hostname . To use a different subscription service, such as Subscription Asset Manager, enter the hostname of the local server. At that place are seveal different subscription services which apply and recognize certificate-based subscriptions, and a system tin can exist registered with whatever of them in firstboot: -
Customer Portal Subscription Direction, hosted services from Red Hat (the default) -
Subscription Asset Manager, an on-premise subscription server which proxies content delivery back to the Client Portal'south services -
CloudForms System Engine, an on-premise service which handles both subscription services and content delivery -
Enter the user credentials for the given subscription service to log in. The user credentials to utilise depend on the subscription service. When registering with the Customer Portal, utilize the Red Chapeau Network credentials for the administrator or visitor account. Still, for Subscription Asset Director or CloudForms Organisation engine, the user account to use is created within the on-premise service and probably is not the same every bit the Client Portal user account. -
Optionally, select the Manually assign subscriptions later registration checkbox. Past default, the registration process automatically attaches the best-matched subscription to the arrangement. This can be turned off then that the subscriptions can be selected manually, as in Department v.iii, "Attaching and Removing Subscriptions". -
When registration begins, Subscription Manager scans for organizations and environments (sub-domains within the system) to which to register the organization. Information technology environments that use Customer Portal Subscription Management take only a unmarried arrangement, so no further configuration is necessary. IT infrastructures that use a local subscription service similar Subscription Nugget Managing director might have multiple organizations configured, and those organizations may have multiple environments configured within them. If multiple organizations are detected, Subscription Manager prompts to select the i to join. -
With the default setting, subscriptions are automatically selected and attached to the system. Review and confirm the subscriptions to attach to the system. -
If prompted, select the service level to use for the discovered subscriptions. -
Subscription Manager lists the selected subscription. This subscription selection must be confirmed past clicking the Subscribe push for the magician to consummate. 5.2.ii. Registering from the Control Line The simplest way to register a machine is to laissez passer the register command with the user account data required to authenticate to Client Portal Subscription Management. When the organisation is successfully authenticated, it echoes dorsum the newly-assigned system inventory ID and the user account name which registered information technology. The annals options are listed in Table five.ii, "register Options". Example 5.1. Registering a System to the Client Portal [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager register --username admin-case --password secretThe system has been registered with id: 7d133d55-876f-4f47-83eb-0ee931cb0a97 Example 5.2. Automatically Subscribing While Registering The annals command has an option, --autosubscribe , which allows the organization to be registered to the subscription service and immediately attaches the subscription which all-time matches the system's architecture, in a single footstep. [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager annals --username admin-example --countersign hugger-mugger --autosubscribe This is the same behavior as when registering with the default settings in the Subscription Managing director UI. Example 5.3. Registering a Organization with Subscription Asset Manager With Subscription Asset Managr or CloudForms System Engine, an business relationship can have multiple, independent subdivisions called organizations t is required that you specify which arrangement (essentially an independent group or unit of measurement within the main account) to bring together the system to. This is done by using the --org option in addition to the username and password. The given user must besides have the admission permissions to add systems to that organization. To register with a subscription service other than Client Portal Subscription Management, several additional options must be used to identify the surround and organizational divisions that the system is being registered to: -
The username and password for the user business relationship withint the subscription service itself -
--serverurl to give the hostname of the subscription service -
--baseurl to requite the hostname of the content delivery service (for CloudForms Organisation Engine only) -
--org to give the name of the organization under which to register the organisation -
--environment to give the name of an environment (grouping) within the organization to which to add together the system; this is optional, since a default surroundings is fix for whatever organisation A organisation can simply be added to an environment during registration. [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager register --username=admin-example --password=secret --org="IT Department" --environment="dev" The organization has been registered with id: 7d133d55-876f-4f47-83eb-0ee931cb0a97 If the arrangement is in a multi-org environment and no system is given, the register command returns a Remote Server error. Table 5.2. annals Options Options | Description | Required | --username= proper name | Gives the content server user business relationship name. | Required | --password= password | Gives the password for the user account. | Required | --serverurl= hostname | Gives the hostname of the subscription service to employ. The default is for Client Portal Subcription Management, If this option is not used, the system is registered with Customer Portal Subscription Direction. | Required for Subscription Asset Managing director or CloudForms Organization Engine | --baseurl= URL | Gives the hostname of the content delivery server to use to receive updates. Both Customer Portal Subscription Management and Subscription Nugget Managing director use Red Lid's hosted content delivery services, with the URL Since CloudForms System Engine hosts its own content, the URL must be used for systems registered with Arrangement Engine. | Required for CloudForms Arrangement Engine | --org= name | Gives the organization to which to join the arrangement. | Required, except for hosted environments | --environs= name | Registers the system to an environment within an organization. | Optional | --name= machine_name | Sets the name of the organisation to register. This defaults to be the same as the hostname. | Optional | --autosubscribe | Automatically ataches the best-matched compatible subscription. This is skilful for automated setup operations, since the organization can be configured in a single pace. | Optional | --activationkey= central | Attaches existing subscriptions as part of the registration process. The subscriptions are pre-assigned by a vendor or by a systems administrator using Subscription Asset Director. | Optional | --servicelevel=None|Standard|Premium | Sets the service level to use for subscriptions on that machine. This is only used with the --autosubscribe selection. | Optional | --release=NUMBER | Sets the operating organisation minor release to use for subscriptions for the system. Products and updates are express to that specific minor release version. This is used only used with the --autosubscribe option. | Optional | --force | Registers the arrangement even if it is already registered. Normally, whatever register operations will fail if the machine is already registered. | Optional | The only thing required to unregister a motorcar is to run the unregister command. This removes the organisation's entry from the subscription service, removes any subscriptions, and, locally, deletes its identity and subscription certificates. From the command line, this requires only the unregister command. Case v.4. Unregistering a Arrangement [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager unregister To unregister from the Subscription Manager GUI: -
Open up the Subscription Director UI. [root@server ~]# subscription-manager-gui -
Open up the System menu, and select the item. -
Ostend that the system should be unregistered. five.three. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions Assigning a subscription to a system gives the arrangement the power to install and update whatsoever Scarlet Hat product in that subscription. A subscription is a list of all of the products, in all variations, that were purchased at one time, and it defines both the products and the number of times that subscription can exist used. When one of those licenses is associated with a system, that subscription is attached to the system. five.3.ane. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions through the GUI Attaching a Subscription -
Launch Subscription Manager. For case: [root@server ~]# subscription-manager-gui -
Open the All Available Subscriptions tab. -
Optionally, gear up the date range and click the Filters button to set the filters to utilize to search for bachelor subscriptions. Subscriptions tin exist filtered past their active date and by their proper name. The checkboxes provide more fine-grained filtering: -
friction match my system shows but subscriptions which match the arrangement architecture. -
match my installed products shows subscriptions which work with currently installed products on the system. -
have no overlap with existing subscriptions excludes subscriptions with duplicate products. If a subscription is already attached to the arrangement for a specific production or if multiple subscriptions supply the aforementioned product, and so the subscription service filters those subscriptions and shows merely the best fit. -
contain the text searches for strings, such as the product name, within the subscription or pool. Later setting the appointment and filters, click the Update button to apply them. -
Select one of the available subscriptions. -
Click the Subscribe push button. v.iii.ane.2. Removing Subscriptions -
Launch Subscription Managing director. For case: [root@server ~]# subscription-manager-gui -
Open up the My Subscriptions tab. All of the agile subscriptions to which the system is currently fastened are listed. (The products available through the subscription may or may not exist installed.) -
Select the subscription to remove. -
Click the Unsubscribe button in the lesser right of the window. 5.3.ii. Attaching and Removing Subscriptions through the Control Line Attaching Subscriptions Attaching subscriptions to a organization requires specifying the private product or subscription to adhere, using the --pool pick. [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager subscribe --pool=XYZ01234567 The options for the subscribe command are listed in Tabular array 5.iii, "subscribe Options". The ID of the subscription puddle for the purchased product must be specified. The puddle ID is listed with the production subscription data, which is available from running the list command: [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager list --available+-------------------------------------------+ Available Subscriptions+-------------------------------------------+ProductName: RHEL for Physical ServersProductId: MKT-rhel-server PoolId: ff8080812bc382e3012bc3845ca000cb Quantity: 10Expires: 2011-09-20 Alternatively,the all-time-fitting subscriptions, as identified past the subscription service, can be fastened to the organization by using the --auto choice (which is analogous to the --autosubscribe option with the annals command). [root@server1 ~]# subscription-managing director subscribe --car Table five.3. subscribe Options Options | Description | Required | --puddle= pool-id | Gives the ID for the subscription to adhere to the system. | Required, unless --auto is used | --auto | Automatically attaches the system to the best-friction match subscription or subscriptions. | Optional | --quantity= number | Attaches multiple counts of a subscription to the organisation. This is used to comprehend subscriptions that define a count limit, like using two two-socket server subscriptions to encompass a 4-socket machine. | Optional | --servicelevel=None|Standard|Premium | Sets the service level to use for subscriptions on that machine. This is but used with the --auto option. | Optional | five.iii.2.ii. Removing Subscriptions from the Command Line A arrangement tin be attached to multiple subscriptions and products. Similarly, a single subscription or all subscriptions tin can be removed from the system. Running the unsubscribe control with the --all option removes every product subscription and subscription pool that is currently fastened to the organization. [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager unsubscribe --all It is likewise possible to remove a single product subscription. Each product has an identifying X.509 certificate installed with it. The product subscription to remove is identified in the unsubscribe command by referencing the ID number of that X.509 certificate. -
Get the series number for the product document, if yous are removing a unmarried product subscription. The serial number can be obtained from the subscription# .pem file (for case, 392729555585697907.pem ) or past using the list command. For example: [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager list --consumed+-------------------------------------------+ Consumed Product Subscriptions+-------------------------------------------+ProductName: High availability (cluster suite)ContractNumber: 0SerialNumber: 11287514358600162Active: TrueBegins: 2010-09-18Expires: 2011-11-18 -
Run the subscription-manager tool with the --series option to specify the certificate. [root@server1 ~]# subscription-manager unsubscribe --serial=11287514358600162 v.iv. Redeeming Vendor Subscriptions Systems can be set with pre-existing subscriptions already bachelor to that system. For some systems which were purchased through third-party vendors, a subscription to Red Hat products is included with the purchase of the motorcar. Red Hat Subscription Manager pulls information almost the system hardware and the BIOS into the system facts to recognize the hardware vendor. If the vendor and BIOS information matches a certain configuration, so the subscription can be redeemed , which will permit subscriptions to exist automatically attached to the organisation. 5.four.1. Redeeming Subscriptions through the GUI If the motorcar does non take any subscriptions to be redeemed, then the Redeem menu item is non there. -
Launch Subscription Director. For case: [root@server ~]# subscription-manager-gui -
If necessary, register the system, every bit described in Section five.ii.i, "Registering from the GUI". -
Open up the menu in the top left of the window, and click the Redeem item. -
In the dialog window, enter the email accost to transport the notification to when the redemption is complete. Considering the redemption process tin take several minutes to contact the vendor and receive information about the pre-configured subscriptions, the notification bulletin is sent through electronic mail rather than through the Subscription Managing director dialog window. -
Click the Redeem push button. It tin take upwards to ten minutes for the confirmation email to arrive. five.4.ii. Redeeming Subscriptions through the Command Line The automobile must exist registered get-go so that the subscription service can properly identify the system and its subscriptions. The automobile subscriptions are redeemed by running the redeem command, with an email address to transport the redemption email to when the process is complete. # subscription-manager redeem --electronic 5.5. Attaching Subscriptions from a Subscription Asset Manager Activation Key A local Subscription Asset Manager tin can pre-configure subscriptions to use for a organization, and that pre-configured set of subscriptions is identified by an activation key. That central can so exist used to attach those subscriptions on a local organisation. The Subscription Nugget Manager activation key can exist used as part of the registration procedure for the new system: # subscription-manager annals --username=jsmith --password=secret --org="It Dept" --activationkey=abcd1234 If there are multiple organizations, it is still necessary to specify the arrangement for the system. That information is not defined in the activation central. 5.six. Setting Preferences for Systems Auto-attaching and healing (updating) subscriptions selects what subscriptions to attach to a system based on a variety of criteria, including current installed products, hardware, and architecture. Information technology is possible to set two additional preferences for Subscription Manager to apply: This is particularly useful for healing, which runs daily to ensure that all installed products and electric current subscriptions remain active. 5.half dozen.ane. Setting Preferences in the UI Both a service level preference and an operating organisation release version preference are set in the System Preferences dialog box in Subscription Manager. -
Open the Subscription Managing director. -
Open the System menu. -
Select the Arrangement Preferences menu item. -
Select the desired service level understanding preference from the drib-downwardly menu. But service levels available to the Cherry-red Lid business relationship, based on all of its active subscriptions, are listed. -
Select the operating system release preference in the Release version driblet-down card. The only versions listed are Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions for which the account has an active subscription. -
The preferences are saved and applied to futurity subscription operations when they are ready. To close the dialog, click Close . 5.6.2. Setting Service Levels Through the Command Line A general service level preference can exist set using the service-level --set control. Example 5.five. Setting a Service Level Preference First, list the available service levels for the system, using the --list pick with the service-level command. [root@server ~]# subscription-managing director service-level --list+-------------------------------------------+ Bachelor Service Levels+-------------------------------------------+StandardNonePremiumSelf-Support So, set up the desired level for the system. [root@server ~]# subscription-manager service-level --set=self-supportService level set to: self-support The electric current setting for the local system is shown with the --show option: [root#server ~]# subscription-director service-level --showCurrent service level: self-back up A service level preference tin be defined when a subscription operation is being run (such as registering a system or attaching subscriptions after registration). This can be used to override a system preference. Both the register and subscribe commands have the --servicelevel option to prepare a preference for that activeness. Example 5.6. Autoattaching Subscriptions with a Premium Service Level [root#server ~]# subscription-manager subscribe --machine --servicelevel PremiumService level set to: PremiumInstalled Production Current Status:ProductName: RHEL 6 for WorkstationsStatus: Subscribed The --servicelevel option requires the --autosubscribe option (for annals) or --car option (for subscribe). It cannot exist used when attaching a specified pool or when importing a subscription. 5.six.three. Setting a Preferred Operating System Release Version in the Command Line Many IT environments have to be certified to see a sure level of security or other criteria. In that case, major upgrades must be carefully planned and controlled - and so administrators cannot only run yum update and motility from version to version. Setting a release version preference limits the organisation admission to content repositories associated with that operating arrangement version instead of automatically using the newest or latest version repositories. For example, if the preferred operating organization version is 6.3, then 6.3 content repositories will be preferred for all installed products and attached subscriptions for the system, even as other repositories become available. Example 5.7. Setting an Operating System Release During Registration A preference for a release version can be set when the system is registered by using --release choice with the register . This applies the release preference to any subscriptions selected and auto-fastened to the system at registration fourth dimension. Setting a preference requires the --autosubscribe option, because information technology is one of the criteria used to select subscriptions to auto-attach. [root#server ~]# subscription-manager register --autosubscribe --release=vi.4 Unlike setting a service level preference, a release preference tin can only be used during registration or prepare as a preference. It cannot be specified with the subscribe command. Example five.8. Setting an Operating Arrangement Release Preference The release control can display the available operating system releases, based on the available, purchased (not just fastened) subscriptions for the organization. [root#server ~]# subscription-manager release --list+-------------------------------------------+ Bachelor Releases+-------------------------------------------+6.26.3 The --set and so sets the preference to one of the available release versions: [root#server ~]# subscription-manager release --prepare=6.3Release version set to: 6.3 v.vii. Managing Subscription Expiration and Notifications Subscriptions are agile for a certain menstruum of time, chosen the validity period . When a subscription is purchased, the beginning and end dates for the contract are set. On a arrangement, at that place tin be multiple subscriptions attached. Each production requires its own subscription. Additionally, some products may require multiple quantities for it to exist fully subscribed. For example, a xvi socket motorcar may require four 4-socket operating organization subscriptions to cover the socket count. The My Installed Software tab shows the subscription status for the entire system. Information technology also shows a date; that is the outset date that a production subscription goes from valid to invalid (meaning it expires). The Red Hat Subscription Manager provides a series of log and UI messages that indicate any changes to the valid certificates of any installed products for a system. In the Subscription Manager GUI, the status of the organization subscriptions is colour-coded, where green ways all products are fully subscribed, yellow means that some products may not be subscribed but updates are however in consequence, and reddish ways that updates are disabled. The control-line tools also indicate that status of the machine. The light-green, yellowish, and red codes translate to text status messages of subscribed , partially subscribed , and expired/not subscribed , respectively. [root@server ~]# subscription-manager listing+-------------------------------------------+ Installed Product Condition+-------------------------------------------+ProductName: Red Chapeau Enterprise Linux Server Status: Not Subscribed Expires: SerialNumber: ContractNumber: AccountNumber: Whenever in that location is a warning about subscription changes, a small icon appears in the top carte du jour bar, similar to a fuel estimate. Every bit whatever installed product nears the expiration date of the subscription, the Subscription Managing director daemon will issue a warning. A similar message is given when the system has products without a valid document, meaning either a subscription is not atached that covers that production or the production is installed past the expiration of the subscription. Clicking the Manage My Subscriptions... button in the subscription notification window opens the Crimson Lid Subscription Manager GUI to view and update subscriptions. When the Subscription Director UI opens, whether it was opened through a notification or only opened normally, there is an icon in the upper left corner that shows whether products lack a valid certificate. The easiest way to attach subscriptions which match invalidated products is to click the Autosubscribe button. The Subscribe Organization dialog shows a targeted list of available subscriptions that apply to the specific products that practise not have valid certificates (assuming subscriptions are available). Source : | Sebelumnya (13 : Function I. Basic System Conf ...) | (thirteen : Chapter 6. Yum - Deployme ...) Berikutnya | |
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