
How To Register With Gedmatch

Have you done a DNA test but want to dig deeper? This is a GEDmatch review that looks at how you can use its skilful-level tools to plough raw Deoxyribonucleic acid into detailed insights!

What is GEDmatch?

GEDmatch (GEDmatch Genesis) is ane of the near popular and powerful raw Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis websites. It is designed for amateur and professional genealogists who have gotten raw Deoxyribonucleic acid from whatever of these sources:

  • AncestryDNA
  • 23andMe
  • FamilyTreeDNA
  • MyHeritage
  • Living Dna
  • Other custom commercial Dna kits
  • Health DNA test
  • Forensic DNA test
  • Deceased DNA test

You lot are virtually likely here because y'all recently got a generic report back from your Dna testing company. GEDmatch is a popular side by side footstep for people like you lot! Information technology provides a lot more detailed analyses that are way more advanced than the typical reports. Considering many users from other testing companies also upload their DNA to GEDmatch, you can extend your search for relatives! If you lot just utilise your own testing company's analyses, you may miss out on potential matches who tested with a different company.

How to utilise GEDmatch

GEDmatch Registration

  1. Register at GEDmatch login folio by filling in some required information. You need to provide an email address and existent name, but information technology doesn't have to be public as you can ready an alias name.
  2. Download your autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid raw data from your testing company.
  3. If your Dna data comes from common commercial genetic testing companies, you lot can now go to the dashboard and upload to GEDmatch'south Generic Uploads. If that doesn't work, at that place is a link below that says "Upload if generic upload fails".
GEDmatch guide

If you demand a footstep-by-step GEDmatch guide to the registration procedure, check out this Tutorial that will hand concord yous through:

  • How to upload Deoxyribonucleic acid to GEDmatch
  • How to read GEDmatch results

How long does GEDmatch take?

Once your data is successfully uploaded, it can have up to 48 hours for processing. Come back in two days and you volition definitely see a dark-green tick next to your kit number – now we are ready to see the GEDmatch results!

Is GEDmatch free?

A number of basic tools are free and more than than enough for the average person. For genealogy enthusiasts, Tier 1 subscription is at $ten/calendar month and offers admission to additional tools.

Free applications

  • One-to-many Deoxyribonucleic acid comparisons (Autosomal and X-Dna)
  • One-to-one DNA comparisons (Autosomal and 10-DNA)
  • Admixture (heritage)
  • Admixture / Oracle with population search
  • People who friction match both, or i of 2 kits
  • DNA fil diagnostic utility
  • Are your parents related?
  • 3-D chromosome browser
  • Primitive DNA matches
  • Ancestor projects

Tier ane applications

  • Filter feature on One-to-many reports
  • Segment Search
  • Phasing
  • Triangulation
  • Multiple Kit Analysis
  • Lazarus
  • My Evil Twin
  • Combined/Superkits
  • Cluster Reports

Which are the highlight features on GEDmatch?

Among the many impressive applications, One-to-many, One-to-i DNA comparisons, and Admixture/ethnicity gauge are the near popular ones.

Note that the website itself does non offer a whole lot of explanations, so yous need to do your own readings. Nether the 'Information' section on your dashboard, in that location are some useful links that will take you to boosted blogs and videos. At the terminate of this article, you lot will also detect some useful links that explain GEDmatch features.

One-to-many comparison

This is usually the first place that users explore. It lets yous find other Deoxyribonucleic acid kits uploaded to GEDmatch that match to yours, including those tested from other genetic testing companies.

For each match, y'all will meet exactly how long the largest shared DNA segment is. Mostly, the longer the segment, the closer your relationships are.  Most genetic testing companies simply give y'all the contact of your lucifer, without letting you in the details of what y'all share.

The cool matter near GEDmatch is that you tin can analyse not but autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid merely also X-DNA – your sexual practice chromosome! This additional information may aid yous find your bequeathed line as males can only inherit Ten-Dna from their mothers. Daughters from the aforementioned Dad will also accept one whole matching X-chromosome.

1-to-one comparison

The one-to-one comparison lets yous compare the data with someone who you lot already think volition share your ancestry. That means you need to enter a specific kit number. It could be a family member who did the test with you, or someone you but found from the one-to-many match.

Later on running the application, you can see which segments of the chromosomes you lot have in common with the person you compared. At the bottom of the report, it also tells you an estimated number of generation before the two of you shared a mutual antecedent.

Many users find tables and numbers difficult to sympathize, this is when you can change to the chromosome browser representation. Now, you should see matched Deoxyribonucleic acid segments on graphic confined.

A close up of a logo  Description automatically generated
In this example, the example has a friction match segment with someone on Chromosome xi that is 36.iii cM long (red arrows)

GEDmatch Admixture (ethnicity estimate)

Don't permit the terminology scare you. Admixture basically estimates your ethnic groups based on your DNA. For case, you lot may be 50% North Atlantic, 30% West Asian and 20% Siberian. To get these estimates, yous need to pick a project and so a calculator.

Sounds disruptive? You are not alone! These functions are quite advanced, and most users have little clue how to proceed. Basically, which projection and calculator you go with should depend on your known ancestry. Make sure y'all read these tips at this footstep.

GEDmatch Admixture (ethnicity estimate)
GEDmatch Admixture (ethnicity approximate)

If you have the determination to get to the nitty gritty, try this Guide. Y'all could also contact the good who developed the admixture model to larn more than. The online Word forum is some other popular place to ask for help.

Is GEDmatch authentic?

The answer is we have no way to tell – we can't go dorsum to the past and trace how y'all came here! This is non an exact science and scientists are only trying their best to brand a guess, hence the dozens of unlike Admixture calculators. The best thing to practice is to attempt a few calculators and discover common trends every bit they will probably requite you different results.

GEDmatch reviews: How did others find GEDmatch?

Users who are deep down the rabbit pigsty of genealogy absolutely dearest GEDmatch, but users who are just here for some quick results will exist confused. Some reading and learning are inevitable when using GEDmatch.


  • In-depth details, i of the almost powerful tools for genealogy enthusiasts
  • Allow you lot to observe relatives tested from other genetic testing companies
  • Both autosomal and Ten-chromosome comparisons available
  • Lots of users and many agile online discussions


  • Very technical for the average user. Information technology does not hold your paw or build a family tree for you. You take to learn the tools yourself.
  • Selecting the right Admixture calculators could be tricky. Yous need to do some readings.
  • Results tin can be overwhelming and are presented with piffling explanations
  • A reputation of poor data privacy

Is GEDmatch safe?

Data privacy was a large problem for GEDmatch in the past equally users' Dna information was substantially visible to others. In fact, GEDmatch was previously used by law enforcement bodies to search for criminals or their relatives without informed consent. The Gilt State Killer was identified this way. All the same, yous are not by default visible to police force enforcement anymore. An opt-in is now required.

Who runs GEDmatch?

GEDmatch was founded by retired man of affairs Curtis Rogers and engineer John Olson in 2010. The company was acquired in 2019 past Verogen, Inc, a sequencing visitor for forensic scientific discipline. Thus, GEDmatch now has a strong focus on solving crimes.


In summary, GEDmatch is a must-have if you are looking to take total advantage of your genetic data. It offers way more in-depth analyses based on your Dna. Notwithstanding, if you are scared of complex terminologies and numbers, you may find GEDmatch very overwhelming. Anyways, at that place are many genealogy enthusiasts out there offering easy-to-sympathise GEDmatch tutorials if you are keen to acquire – Exist sure to check out the links beneath!

How To Register With Gedmatch,


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